Solutions - Bayport Financial Services
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Bayport's Employee Wellness Programme

We empower employees and give employers the right tools
Are you experiencing high absenteeism due to financial stress?

74% of employees' income is spent on repaying debt

Are you concerned for your employee's financial future?

86% of consumers
cannot afford to retire

Are you spending too much time on resolving employees' financial distress?

49% of consumers have at least one account in arrears

We support employers

Our employee wellness program is customised to meet your company's needs with financial coaches, financial wellness assessments and preferential credit rates for your employees. It all starts with a free financial wellness assessment for your company.

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We support employees

We assess your current financial situation with a FREE wellness assessment and offer you a tailor-made financial solution.

This will enable you to get out of debt, grow your personal wealth and make the right financial decisions.

What we do

Our employee wellness programme is tailored to your specific needs

Customise your employee wellness programme

Risk analysis and a credit health report that explains your financial status
Experienced financial wellness report
Creating your tailored financial roadmap
Financial coaches to monitor your monthy progress

We offer solution-diven functions to suit specific needs

Debt consolidation with preferential rates and terms
Judgement rescindment (garnishee, administration orders and debt review)
Removal of prescribed debt
Assist in improving employee credit rating

Guide future financial stability and growth

Building your wealth with the creation of a tailored financial roadmap
Increase your assets
Investment in yourself and your family

Explore our full Bayport offerings line by line, in detail.

Explore our full
Bayport offerings
line by line, in detail.

Download the full Wellness Programme brochure

Download the full
Wellness Programme

Search to see if your company already offers the Bayport wellness programme



"When I was demoted due to a company restructuring, my salary was cut by 35%. Soon I was R300 000 in debt..."


"I had more than R400 000 debtand was behind on all my loans and accounts..."


"When my house got damaged in the Umlazi floods, I had R94 000 in debts..."

Contact us

    Are you inquiring as a employer / employee*
    Company Name*
    First Name*
    Last Name*
    Cell Number*
    Email Address*

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    Your information is important to us and where we gather your information it will be in accordance with our information Privacy Policy